For 30 years since the AIDS virus was discovered, and yet still, many misconceptions about how it is spread. It's a real problem because we do not necessarily protect as it should, and conversely, imagine contamination sources that do not exist!
10 questions about the real and false risks of transmission of HIV-AIDS.
How is HIV transmitted?
The AIDS virus is present in the 5 following body fluids: blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid (liquid flowing human sex before ejaculation), vaginal secretions of women, the breastmilk.
Therefore, HIV is transmitted through three very specific ways:
- The unprotected sex with a condom: vaginal, anal and mouth-sex relationships in some circumstances.
- Transmission through blood, through the use of injection equipment already in use, and which mainly concerns people who take drugs intravenously. In some regions, there may still be a risk during treatment with unsterile equipment.
- The transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
Will I get AIDS by kissing someone?
Embrace who you want! The deepest kiss that is not a danger for AIDS anyway! Some people wonder whether any small wounds or sores in the mouth may pose a risk of transmission. Well no, let us repeat once again: deep kissing is not a transmission path.
Can be contaminated during oral sex? On cunnilingus?
Be performing oral sex is not a danger outside of collective practices. However, performing oral sex on an HIV-positive man has a good transmission risk VIHen case of ejaculation in the mouth because there is contact between sperm and the lining of the mouth. The risk is further increased if the person doing the blowjob of small sores in the mouth, such as after dental work, or if it comes to brushing teeth.
Cunnilingus is not considered risky, to the extent that saliva does not transmit HIV than vaginal secretions are less contaminating the semen. But it is strongly recommended if the report occurs during menstruation. Also note that if HIV, other STIs (sexually transmitted infections) can be transmitted during oral sex: hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhea ...
Are-t there a risk if I get to do a blood test?
There is no risk to you because the equipment used today in France for taking blood is disposable.
What are the risks at a tattoo? a piercing?
Getting a tattoo and / or piercing involve risk of infections due to the presence of microbes and other bacteria, as well as transmission of hepatitis B and V. With regard to HIV, the risk was not clearly established. Anyway, this practice needs to take precautions to avoid infections. All equipment should be thoroughly sterilized, needles must be sterile and disposable, all non-sterilized tools should be cleaned and disinfected, the tattooist or piercer should wear the gloves and disinfect hands with an antiseptic liquid soap.
She is a woman with HIV necessarily transmit the virus to her baby?
The risk of transmission from mother to child is limited, because now, with the treatments available, this risk has been reduced to about 1% (without treatment, the rate is about 20%). In other words, with the treatment in 99% of cases, an HIV-positive woman can have a perfectly healthy child. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations or maternity.
And if it is the father who is HIV positive?
It is also possible to avoid any risk to the baby. There are techniques in the hospital who are to "wash" the sperm, in order to remove all traces of HIV. Then the sperm is inserted into the uterus of his wife to leave the fertilization take place "naturally", or will be used for in vitro fertilization: sperm is placed in a test tube with eggs taken from the mother, and then the created embryo is implanted in the uterus. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations or maternity.
Can you breastfeed without transmitting AIDS?
A third of cases of transmission from mother to child occur during breastfeeding. This is a big problem especially in Africa where the rate of HIV-positive pregnant women is important. It is not recommended when one is HIV positive to breastfeed if possible. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations or maternity.
Can one be infected by drinking from the same glass, using the same cutlery that someone with HIV?
Misconceptions die hard! And they continue to do much harm, causing rejection reactions, distancing of HIV. So no ! There is NO RISK to drink from the same glass or using the same cutlery that a person with HIV. AIDS is not a contagious disease through air or saliva, we would catch skirting a sick person.
A mosquito that has bitten a person is sick he does not have the virus?
No, HIV is not transmitted in this way there, like dengue or chikungunya! A mosquito can not transmit HIV.
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